Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Money Chant

Out of the darkness
Out of the air
Piles upon piles
Of silver and gold
I command to come,
All you moneys
As you have been told

Monday, December 8, 2008

Full Moon - New Moon Manifestion Ritual


If you've been working on a goal that doesn't seem to be manifesting you may need this kind of help. Rituals are meant to augment what we are already doing on a practical level to fulfill our goals. This ritual by it self is not a magic bullet for success. It is here because it may help you that extra amount towards what you seek.

Emotional receptivity is a precursor to a new way to manifest what we wish to happen. In the new world that began in 1992 (paradigm shift) - a world where every being is in relationship with all others, manifestation takes on a whole new meaning. The motto of this new way is: "Energy first, Manifestation second as aligned with Higher Self and Community at large." That being said, working with the emotional receptivity of the lunar cycle is the next step. The Full Moon is a way to charge an object with it's receiving power. When the papers are charged under the light of the Full Moon a way is made to give birth in the dark of the new moon.

Full Moons are always the opposite of your Sun sign. This ritual is most powerful when your Sun or Moon is in the sign of the current Full Moon. Full Moons are doubled in power during a lunar eclipse. For 2008 0- 2009 Full / New and solar and lunar eclipses go to:
However the following ritual can be beginning with any Full Moon.


Place a new, blank sheet of paper under the light of the Full Moon (see Link above) [outside, in a window, on your dashboard] you'll be using on the next New Moon. If a Full Moon occurs at dawn for instance you can put your papers out the night before or the night after. Don't worry if there's cloud cover under the Full Moon - the luminosity of the Full Moon will still reach the paper. As in all things receptive it is not an exact science, more like an art. So you'll need to experiment to see which works best for you.
IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME WITH THE RITUAL - After having left the paper out at night bring it in and dry out if need be and put it in a safe place or on your altar. You will need to take it out in approximately two weeks at the New Moon.

ON GOING - At each Full Moon after you have written your wishes on the last New Moon you need to sit and see which came to pass an which did not. If a wish did not come to pass was that wish in alignment with your Highest Good? Does it need editing - re-writing? Or does it need to be put aside or discarded?

Take the blank sheet of paper that you put under the light of the Full Moon from and write down your wishes from 1 to 13. You may only have to wait until the next Full Moon if you align yourself with your wishes. Write the wishes during the night of the new moon (with 24 hours of the beginning of the New Moon) when birth of a new cycle is eminent. (see link above for a listing of the New Moons)