First, sit calmly and intend that your heart and mind grow calm and peaceful and that you fully connect with your own intrinsic unity with the Divine Mind (The Universe, God, your Higher Power...). It is also appropriate to express out loud this intention as well as adding any other intention that matches your situation. For example:
- I have loving kindness towards others. (In response to feeling hurt and anger.)
- I feel well. (In response to having the flu.)
- I have plenty of money to buy gas for my car. (In response to feeling lack about rising gas prices.)
Chant the following mantra 9 times:
"Gate Gate Para-gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Svaha"
Phonetic pronunciation: Gah-tay Gah-tay, Pah-rah-Gah-tay, Pah-rah Sahm Gah-tay, Bo-Dee Svah Hah
Translation from Sanskrit: Gate means "gone". Paragate means "gone across". Para sam gate means "completely gone across". Bodhi means "the enlightened state". Svah means "it is accomplished".
The Meaning of the Meditation is: Gone, gone, gone across, completely gone across the enlightened state. It is accomplished, I recognize this truth in myself.
It is important to sing the Calming Heart Sutra nine times. If you wish to continue, be sure to repeat it in sets of nine for maximum effect.
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